Gentle Sleep Coaching Services

I offer individual consultations as well as individual follow up phone calls.

Ask about my twin discount!



If you feel your family’s situation is unique or complex (or you are just plain too tired to see a clear way out) and you wish me to review your history form and create an individualized plan with you then an individual consultation is the right solution!

Each Individual Gentle Sleep Consultation will be tailored to your family’s needs and will include:

  • Review of your client history form.

  • A customized, step-by-step sleep plan and sleep schedule that matches your child and family’s needs and parenting values. There are no “one size fits all” solutions.

  • How to gently teach your child to go to sleep and back to sleep independently during the night.

  • How to gently teach your child to take long, restorative naps.

  • How to successfully handle future routine busters such as travel and illness…

I do not ever advise parents to let their child “cry-it-out”. I will always recommend a gentle, more loving approach.

Ideally I would like both parents at the consultation so you can create a united front and support each other in moving forward with the sleep coaching.

Individual Coaching Phone Follow ups


During these approximately 30min phone calls I will guide you through a review of your sleep log, recommend possible changes to the initial plan, answer questions that you have and provide additional support that you may need since our last discussion.

Typically, these follow ups are completed within a two to three weeks of starting your initial sleep plan which is when parents need the most support. If needed, an additional set of follow ups can be purchased.

Get Sleep Now Package plan with Consultation and 8 follow up phone calls

For families discussing one child and who wish to receive follow up support and future help.


One and a half hour sibling consultation plus 8 follow up calls


This is for families who will be discussing two children (twins $630) and who wish to receive follow up phone calls for support and future help.

One and a half hour sibling consultation only


This is for the family who wishes to discuss two children with no additional follow up calls.

(twins 375)

One and a half hour consultation only


This is for the family who wants to discuss one child and not receive any follow up calls.

Right Start Consultation 0-3 mos. One hour


I also offer Right Start consultations to families with younger children (under 4 months) who would like help shaping their child's sleep.

Reboot Consultation package


A one-hour consultation plus 4 follow up calls for past clients to get help with regressions and other transitions.

Individual phone follow up


If you do not wish to buy the package you can buy individual phone calls after the consultation. (up to 30 mins)

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